Seller Momentum Brand-level Limitations

Limitations of brand-level reporting

The Net Sales and Contribution Margin values on the Seller Momentum page are shown at the brand level.

Amazon does not provide brand level financial reporting, therefore the brand level Net Sales and EBITDA metrics have been calculated using a bottom-up approach, aggregating sales and cost data that are attributed to specific SKUs and then mapping them to the relevant brand.

This means that some costs are currently not included at the brand level, leading to differences in Brand P&L and overall Seller P&L metrics.

The main costs currently not included in the brand level metrics are:

  • Specific Fees within the following P&L Line Items

    • FBA Inbound Fees: e.g. Labeling Fee

    • Inventory Adjustment Fees: e.g. Warehouse Damage

    • FBA Reimbursement Fees: e.g. Reimbursement Clawback

    • Product Returns: e.g. A2ZGuaranteeRecovery Adjustment

    • FBA Storage Fees: e.g FBA Storage Fee

    • Other Income: e.g. Buyer Recharge

    • FBA Disposal Fee: e.g. FBA Removal Fee

    • Other Platform Fees: e.g. Vine Fee

    • FBA Outbound Fees: e.g. BubblewrapFee

    • Selling Fees: e.g. Subscription

    • FBA Inbound Freight Fee: e.g. FBA International Inbound Freight Fee

Last updated